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Nu-Tec® 030NV029 High-Temp Vespel® Gas Diffusor
TBi® 130P002031 Style
Nu-TecŪ, BinzelŪ & TBi® #38 & #501 MIG Guns
Nu-Tec® 030NV029 High-Temp Vespel® Gas Diffusor (1-Pack)
Item# 030NV029
Regular price: $14.85
Welding Direct Price $10.50
Availability: Usually ships the same business day

Product Description

Premium quality High Temp Vespel® gas diffusor, Nu-TecŪ 030NV029 and TBi® 130P002031 style, for Nu-TecŪ, BinzelŪ & TBi® #38 & #501 MIG guns.

One piece per package. Quantities limited.