Complete universal listing and breakdown of all Nu-Tec® tig torches, consumables, accesories and kits by model and power. |  All Tig torch kits, AK-1, AK-1A, AK-2, AK-3, AK-4, AK-4A, AK-5, AK-6, AK-7 are Nu-Tec® Systems brand, with over 20 years of industrial welding torch experience, of the highest quality components with the highest industrial power ratings available. |
 Premium quality collets and collet bodies are made of pure copper and copper alloys designed to meet or exceed OEM specifications. |  Premium quality Gas Lenses & Insulators are made of pure copper, ceramic and vespel materials designed to meet or exceed OEM specifications. |
 Alumina nozzles are made from high strength alumina materials, have very good electrical insulating properties; exceptionally high impact resistance, heat resistance and thermal conductivity; and resist spatter build-up. |  Lava nozzles are "machined" allowing add shapes and lengths from Grade “A” lava material. They are as heat-resistant as molded alumina nozzles and will give good service for general applications; However, they are not recommended for confined areas where excessive heat is reflected back into the nozzle. |
 Complete offering of premium quality back caps made of brass, high-temp Ryton/PVC and silicone seal rings. |  Premium quality Nu-Tec® Tig torches have lead the industry with over 20 years of industrial welding torch experience, the highest quality components, the highest industrial power ratings available and total quality quarantee. |
 Nu-Tec® TIG torch handles, Clip-On Switches & Slide Controls. |  Custom made Nu-Tec® welding torch cable covers for increased life in rugged environments. |
 Select from our complete offering of Tig power cables, gas & water hoses, extension & hook-up kits and accessories. |  These heavy-duty arc electrode holders are fully insulated to protect against electrical shock and have strong clamping jaws to hold the electrode tight so it will not slip while welding. The jaws are designed to allow seven different electrode positions. |