Select from Welding Direct's complete offering of TIG Welding Tungsten Electrode Rods. |  Premium Tig Filler Wire 70S-6 Mild Steel, 308L Stainless Steel or 4043 & 5356 Aluminum in 36" lengths. |
 Premium quality electrode grinders feature solid steel construction, fully enclosed diamond embedded grinding wheels and easy angle adjustment. |  Electrode storage ovens prevent moisture contamination to electrodes and keep them in prime condition. |
 Premium grade ER70S-6 all position mild steel welding wire available in 4"& 8" spools. |  Premium grade E71T-GS all position flux-cored welding wire available in 4" & 8" spools. |
 Premium grade ER4043 Aluminum alloy welding wire available in 4"& 8" spools. |  AWS CLASS ER5356 premium grade aluminum alloy welding wire is used automotive and industrial applications where high weld strength and ductility is required. |
 AWS CLASS ER308L premium grade all position MIG stainless steel wire available in 4" & 8" spools. |  Select the correct type and size of MIG welding wire to meet your machine power and application. |
 Tungsten electrode selection parameters based on international color codes and ANSI/AWS & European ISO 6848 standards for quality and performance. |