Standard .023" replacement contact tips for Clarke® mig guns. |  Standard .030" replacement contact tips for Clarke® mig guns. |
 Standard .035" / .040" replacement contact tips for Clarke® mig guns. |  Tweco® style gas diffuser for Minimig guns on Firepower®, Campbell-Hausfeld®, Clarke®, Craftsman®, Northern Tools®, Sears® and many other imported mig machines. |
 Swan neck tube steel liner for spool guns and compact MIG guns with gas valve in handle. |  Standard 1/2" Tweco® #1 MinMig style nozzle for ATD®, Clarke®, Craftsman®, Eastwood®, HTP®, Helvi®, Lincoln®, Firepower®, Forney®, Schumacher® and many import MIG machines. |