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Nitrogen Gas Plastic Repair Welding System
H&S Autoshot® UNI-8100 Nitro-Weld System
Product Description

Premium quality nitrogen gas plastic repair welder, H&S Autoshot® UNI-8100 Nitro-Weld, is the perfect system for as it features heated nitrogen gas torch as well as hot staple torch (with or without nitrogen) for all plastic repairs. System is completely portable as the built-in air compressor feeds gas torch for pre and post nitrogen welding with no need for a compressed air line and nitrogen gas cylinder with hose and regulator is included with portable machine & cylinder cart. Preheat torch with compressed air, flip ON nitrogen gas for repair, and flip back to compressed air for cool-down. One cylinder lasts for months and can be refilled for less than $25.
System includes machine with air compressor, 80CF nitrogen cylinder, cart, complete kit of plastic filler rod, foil tape and hand seamer tool.