Welcome to WeldingDirect.Com, the #1 on-line source for MIG, TIG & Plasma torches and consumanbe replacement parts.
"SUPER TOUGH" Rigid Stainless Steel Body
Quick Change Neck & Cable Assembly
Water Cooled 500 Amp Capacity
100% Duty Cycle Wire Sizes .035"-.078"
Product Description

Because of the nature of Robotic welding there are several technical factors to consider that can not be done here. We ask that you contact us with details of the welding system you are using or contemplating using. We can then offer you a complete welding gun package.
TBI part numbers: 671P101001(180Deg.) 371P101002(+22Deg.) 671P101004(-22Deg.) 671P101003(+45Deg.) 671P101005(-45Deg.)