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Universal Spool Gun Switch Kit
Miller® Spoolmate Spool Gun
Lincoln® Magnum Pro 100SG Spool Gun
Add Spool Gun Drive to Any MIG Welder
Product Description

This simple switch kit allows you to install a spoolgun on virtually ANY MIG welding machine and selected models of Miller® Spoolmate Spool Guns and Lincoln® Magnum Pro 100SG Spool Guns. Just install the toggle switch on the machine panel, connect trigger lead wires and splice the power leads between the speed control board and wire-feed motor.
Once installed, toggle between wire-feed motor or spool gun drive plug with speed adjustment by the machine speed control knob and trigger action from spool gun or mig gun. Main power lead and shield gas line connect to standard machine outputs.
Simple instructions included along with switch, Amp control plug, insulated connectors and color-coded lead wires. This is a non-returnable "electrical" item.