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Nu-Tec® NM23, NM24 & NM240 MIG Nozzles
Binzel 23AK, 24AK & 240 Style
Product Description
Self-centering, heavy wall Binzel, Nu-Tec®, Century#&174;, Marquette®, Eastwood® MIG 250 & MP200i style for AK 23, AK24 and 240 MIG guns including Hand Held, Push Pull, Automatic or Robotic
Self-Centering, Heavy Wall 1/2" Binzel 145.0080 Nozzle & Nu-Tec® 145N0080, Century#&174; Marquette® M15216 for AK 23, AK24 and 240 MIG guns including Hand Held, Push Pull, Automatic or Robotic Regular price: $10.75 Welding Direct Price $7.98 | Self-Centering, Heavy Wall 3/8"" Binzel 145.0080 Nozzle & Nu-Tec® 145N0080, Marquette® M15216 for AK 23, AK24 and 240 MIG guns including Hand Held, Push Pull, Automatic or Robotic Regular price: $10.75 Welding Direct Price $7.98 |
Self-Centering, Heavy Wall, Nu-Tec 145N0047 & Binzel 145.0047 cylindrical style #23 / #24 MIG nozzle fits Marquette® M15215 Binzel®, NuTecsys® & K&K® Mig guns in the 23, 24 and 240 style including Hand Held, Push Pull, Automatic or Robotic Regular price: $10.75 Welding Direct Price $7.98 | Self-Centering, Heavy Wall 5/8" Slip on Nu-Tec 145N0174 Nozzle Binzle 145.0174, Marquette® M15214, Binzel® & Nu-Tec MIG guns in the 23, 24 and 240 style including Hand Held, Push Pull, Automatic or Robotic Regular price: $13.50 Welding Direct Price $9.95 |