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DF929 Dynaflux® Defense Welding Torch Coolant w/ Pump Lubricant
One Gallon Bottle Makes THREE Gallons of Coolant
Product Description
Dynaflux® 929 Defense concentrate is clear low solids liquid coolant that is specifically designed for closed-loop water cooled welding systems to insure steady flow rates in the most compact torches and keep the pump, chiller and flow controls operating at maximum performance.
When diluted, 1-gallon coolant to 2-gallons of distilled or deionized water, the resultant THREE GALLONS of coolant maintains maximum flow through torch body, contains a lubricant additive to provide continuous pump operation and protects to -10F.
Don't make the expensive mistake of running heavy automotive antifreeze through your torch. Automotive antifreeze includes coagulants designed to plug small leaks, they plug the small passages in your water-cooled torch.
One gallon of concentrate with weight of 9 lbs.