All brass construction quick connect hose fitting Binzel® 501.0114 style, is the standard size fitting for most liquid cooled welding guns. This fitting mates with 501.1190 Female fitting and is designed to fit 5mm- 6mm (3/16-1/4") ID hose. Regular price: $5.99 Welding Direct Price $4.90 |  This WK-1 hook-up kit has everything you need to connect a water cooler to your MIG, TIG or Plasma Machine with 5/8-18 water line connectors. For Dinse style power cable connections, order the correct Flow-Thru Dinse connector and attach to this kit.
Kit contains: Two 40V76 water hoses 12.5' with 5/8-18LH fittings and two 11N18 water adapter fittings (5/8-18LHF).
Suitable for all styles water circulators used in water cooled TIG welding applications. Regular price: $110.00 Welding Direct Price $59.50 |
Premium quality Nu-Tec® 925.9255 pump & motor assembly. This is a115/230VAC replacement pump for Nu-Tec®: NWC2500 water cooler.
Packaged individually. Regular price: $250.00 Welding Direct Price $175.00 |  Dynaflux® 929 Defense concentrate is clear low solids liquid coolant that is specifically designed for closed-loop water cooled welding systems to insure steady flow rates in the most compact torches and keep the pump, chiller and flow controls operating at maximum performance.
When diluted, 1-gallon coolant to 2-gallons of distilled or deionized water, the resultant THREE GALLONS of coolant maintains maximum flow through torch body, contains a lubricant additive to provide continuous pump operation and protects to -10F.
Don't make the expensive mistake of running heavy automotive antifreeze through your torch. Automotive antifreeze includes coagulants designed to plug small leaks, they plug the small passages in your water-cooled torch.
One gallon of concentrate with weight of 9 lbs. Regular price: $48.50 Welding Direct Price $39.00 |
 The CE2500SS Weldcraft® & 2500SS Bernard® water coolers have been discontinued by Miller® ITW® Corporation.
See Nu-Tec NWC2500 or Dynaflux® R1100V water coolers as options. |  The 3500SS Bernard® or CE3502SS Weldcraft® water coolers have been discontinued by Miller® so they can sell their more expensive models.
***SEE THIS PAGE FOR COMPATIBLE REPLACEMENT: http://weldingdirect.com/ntwaco2ga.html
See Nu-Tec® NWC2500.
http://weldingdirect.com/ntwaco2ga.html |